Nov. 1, 2018–Rod Cate / Attorney, Author "Get Back Up"
Rod Cate Bio: Rod Cate, partner at Hand Arendall Harrison Sale, LLC in Mobile. Practicing lawyer for 26 years. Married to Tamberly Cate, 3 children
Oct. 25, 2018–Bri Altier Ard– Interim Director, Global Engagement / Univ. of South Alabama
Bio: Bri Altier Ard is currently the Interim Director at the University of South Alabama, where her responsibilities include overseeing daily study abroad operations, advising
Oct. 11, 2017–Special Agent in Charge (SAC) James E. Jewell / FBI
JAMES E. JEWELL Special Agent in Charge Mobile Division On December 21, 2017, Director Christopher Wray appointed James E. Jewell as the Special Agent in
Sept. 27, 2018–Yael Girard, Executive Director, Weeks Bay Foundation
Yael joined the Weeks Bay Foundation in the spring of 2015 and has been the Executive Director since June 2016. Prior to coming to Alabama,
Sept. 13, 2018–Van Simms, Chairman of the Board & Past President, Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo & Justin Thompson,
Van Sims – Bio Van was raised in the small town of Jackson, AL and has resided in Mobile for over 15 years. Growing up
Sept. 9, 2018–Scott Posey, Director of Communications, AM/NS Calvert
Having worked in public, private and non-profit communications in Alabama, Louisiana and northwest Florida for over 25 years, Scott was named Director of Communications for
Aug. 30, 2018–Joni Hendee / Marketing and Public Relations Director, Dumas Wesley Community Center
Joni Hendee is the Marketing and Public Relations Director for the Dumas Wesley Community Center. For over 11 years, she has been serving the community
Aug. 23, 2018–Sujin Kim / Land of Morning Calm (South Korea)
ABOUT SUJIN KIM Sujin Kim, Esq., was born and raised in Korea. Due to her understanding of both the Korea and U.S. business environments and
Aug. 16, 2018–Matt Ericksen / ALDOT, Mobile River Bridge and Bayway Project Director
Matt Ericksen, P.E. – Mobile River Bridge and Bayway Project Director Matt Ericksen is the Project Director for Alabama Department of Transportation’s (ALDOT) Mobile River
Aug. 9, 2018–Stacy Wellborn / Wellborn Strategies
With over fifteen years of experience, Stacy Wellborn has worked with a variety of companies solving myriad communication challenges. From brand development to website design,
June 21, 2018–Carl Cunningham, Jr. / Advisor, Mobile Kappa League
Carl Cunningham, Jr. PhD.: Mobile’s Kappa League Carl Cunningham is a Mobile native and graduated from Murphy High School. He received his Masters in Geography
June 14, 2018–Amanda Solley / Executive Director, Alabama Contemporary Art Center
Our speaker today: Amanda Solley Wilson –Alabama Contemporary Art Center Amanda Solley Wilson is the Executive Director of the Alabama Contemporary Art Center. She joined
June 7, 2018–Tommy Fulton / "Visions of Life from the Wheel of an Uber Driver"
Tommy Fulton is the Development Director for the Little Sisters of the Poor here in Mobile, Alabama. This full-time career is enough to keep anyone
May 31, 2018–Chris Curry / Executive Director, Mobile Regional Airport
The Rotary Club of Mobile: Speaker for May 31: Chris Curry In October of 2017 Chris Curry was named Executive Director of the Mobile Airport
May 17, 2018–Graduate Day / Dr. Mark Foley
Mark Foley, PhD. Dr. Mark Foley is an active Christian speaker, teacher, and consultant in the arena of spiritual development. He is an organizational consultant