Jimmy Lyons – May 14, 2015

Director & CEO / Alabama State Port Authority
JKLPic2011 (2)James K. Lyons has served as Director/CEO of the Alabama State Port Authority since July 1, 1999. Mr. Lyons’ over 40 year professional maritime industry career has encompassed marketing, financial management, transportation, stevedoring and terminal operations.
Since joining the Authority, Mr. Lyons has overseen construction of new facilities and upgrades to railroad, pier infrastructure, and equipment. Mr. Lyons manages an organization of 587 employees, with fiscal year 2014 revenues of over $160 million and handling more than 29 million tons of cargo. Mr. Lyons oversees the Authority’s capital programs to expand or enhance the public terminals to serve shippers. The current campaign includes equipment upgrades at McDuffie Terminal to handle an expanding export coal market, the construction and development of an Intermodal Container Handling Facility and Logistics Park, and a new state of the art steel handling facility. These and other port-wide improvements total nearly $100 million in new investment.
Mr. Lyons is actively involved with many professional and maritime organizations. He currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Birmingham Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, and serves on the Boards of Directors for the United Way of South Alabama and the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program. Mr. Lyons is also the Vice Chair of the Alabama Gulf Coast Recovery Council. Mr. Lyons holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and Economics from the University of Alabama and completed the Executive Management Program at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.
He is married to Beth Marietta Lyons, a local attorney, and they have one son, Patrick.

Cart Blackwell – May 7, 2015

cartwellArchitectural Historian
“Of Color & Light: An Examination of Life & Career
of Artist/Designer Clara Weaver Parrish”

Rob Hackbarth – June 18th, 2015

Rob Hackbarth is a professional speaker and author. His book, There are No Small Moments, is a collection of stories that will connect his readers to timeless success principles.  As CEO of Hackbarth Delivery Service, he led his company from a one vehicle startup to 26 locations across 10 southeastern states. He served 9 years on the CLDA board, promoting the transportation industry.   His work with non-profit organizations includes helping mentally challenged persons and promoting clean water.  In his spare time, he fishes and has fun with the Super Seven, his grandchildren.
His newest book, The BET, will be released later this year.
His Mondays are Great Newsletter is a weekly publication that is full of inspiration. It’s a great way to start your week.
His speaking topics include Leadership, Overcoming Adversity, Teamwork, Time Management and Positive Thinking.
He believes that a single moment in time may be the most important one in this week, month or year.  Live each moment expecting something great.
I was taught by my mom to always pick myself up when I was down. She remains my inspiration today. My dad taught me integrity in my first business venture, a paper route.  With family, I believe it is important to say I love you and to spend time with them
Personal Quotes: Mondays are great. There are no small moments. The second most important words to say in life are “I believe in you”.
Favorite Books:  Green Eggs and Ham, The Three Little Pigs.
Email Rob at rob@mondaysaregreat.com
Speaking Web Site:  www.mondaysaregreat.com