Aug. 10, 2017

Minutes of the August 10, 2017 Meeting
The Rotary Club of Mobile
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by John Dukes at 12:15 PM. John Pisarkiewicz offered the invocation and Tom Martenstein welcomed members’ guests and visiting Rotarians. Larry Sindel led the club in song accompanied by Bill Oppenheimer on the piano. The reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance followed.
Announcements: John Dukes made the following announcements:
• Attendance Recognition Day is August 17.
• A board meeting will follow the regular meeting on August 17.
• The Tarpon Tournament was a great success. John thanked Ernest Ladd for his leadership and said that he will be re-capping the results at a future meeting.
• The newly printed rosters are available to be picked up.
• Wished members well on their up-coming birthdays.
Program: Rob Holbert: Co-Creator and Managing Editor of Lagniappe
Tom McGehee introduced Rob Holbert who was a co-creator of Lagniappe, Mobile’s weekly newspaper. He serves as its Managing Editor. From the size of the crowd, members were obviously interested to hear from him.
Mr. Holbert reported that Lagniappe has recently celebrated its 15th anniversary as Mobile’s weekly newspaper and currently boasts a readership of 80,000 per week. He outlined numerous stories covered by the paper over its history and said that he finds himself vilified as too liberal by some readers while far too conservative by others. He concluded he “must be doing something right.”
His goal for the publication, he said, was to have it “lively, active and non-partisan.”
He said that the paper consists of two full time reporters and a number of freelance writers who cover stories in Mobile and Baldwin counties. The paper has recently purchased a building at 704 Government Street and he and his staff are looking forward to being a part of downtown Mobile.
Holbert allowed time for questions from the floor. A number of members took him up on the offer and the subjects ranged from environmental concerns to both the senate and mayoral elections.
John Dukes thanked him for speaking to our club and noted that in his honor a gift has been made to the Rotary Children’s Foundation.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 12:50 PM.
Tom McGehee

July 27, 2017

Minutes of the Rotary Meeting
July 27, 2017
By Kathy Miller
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by John Dukes at 12:15 pm. Wayne Miller offered the invocation and Larry Sindel led the club in song and the Pledge of Allegiance. Tom Martinstein welcomed members’ guests.
Announcements: John Dukes reminded members of the Tarpon Tournament next week and the Captains’ Reception on August 3rd at Ruth’s Chris. He also gave an update in regard to Camp ASCCA. Ken Neimeyer updated the Club about the Little Lending Libraries. Brenda Litchfield reported on her upcoming trip to Thailand and the Rotary GED project there.
Program: Tom McGee introduced Thad Beeker, M.D. Dr. Beeker serves as Director of the stem cell transplant program at Mitchell Cancer Institute. Dr. Beeker is a graduate of Wake Forest University and East Carolina University School of Medicine. He completed a fellowship in Hematology and Oncology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. He was in private practice as a hematologist/oncologist for over 20 years and in March 2007 he joined the Southern Cancer Center.
Dr. Beeker described the mission of the Mitchell Cancer Institute: Research, Education and Healthcare. He outlined statistics regarding the occurrence of cancer. Significantly, one in two men and one in three women will develop cancer in their lifetime. He explained that MCI’s emphasis is providing “diseased focused care” and developing comprehensive, state of the art treatment programs customized for each patient. MCI is employing physicians who specialize in certain tumors.
Dr. Beeker’s focus is multiple myeloma. He described multiple myeloma and the progression of this cancer. He outlined the history of the treatment of multiple myeloma and state of the art therapies. He described how survival rates from multiple myeloma have increased over the years. Mr. Dukes presented Dr. Beeker with a certificate recognizing his speaking to the Club.
Adjournment: After announcing members’ birthdays, John adjourned the meeting at 1:00 p.m.

July 20, 2017

Minutes of the July 20, 2017 Meeting
The Rotary Club of Mobile
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by John Dukes at 12:15 PM. Dan McDaniel offered the invocation and Tom Martenstein welcomed members’ guests and visiting Rotarians. John Smith led the club in song and the Pledge of Allegiance. Bill Oppenheimer accompanied on the piano
• Frank Harkins reported on the upcoming Camp ASCCA trip. Our Rotary club has supported the camp for 33 years through the Rotary Children’s Foundation. There will be 101 campers this year with the week beginning August 3. Frank invited everyone to come to the Goodwill Easter Seals main office the morning of July 30 to see the campers off.
• Bob Chappelle presented the Lance J. Bodden award which is commonly known as the Rotarian of the Year award. The award is bestowed periodically to deserving Rotarians, but not annually. Tom Martenstein is the recipient. Tom has been an active member since 1962 and has served a number of positions including the Board of Directors (served every Board capacity), President, Paul Harris Fellow and currently Club Secretary since 2001.
Program: Steve McNair, McNair Historic Preservation, Inc.
Tom McGehee introduced club member Steve McNair owner of McNair Historic Preservation, Inc. Mr. McNair discussed his company and the various services they provide.
McNair Historic Preservation is a national full-service Historic Preservation consulting firm offering clients a range of services including government relations, historic tax credit and economic incentive consultation, historic economic development project management, historic real estate and design consultation, and research/fieldwork services to document and promote their customer’s historic assets.
McNair Historic Preservation delivers strategy and experience to their clients to help make the most of their historic investments. Some specific projects include the Wheeler Building, the former Blue Bird Hardware, the former Nash/Ford Automotive, the former WALA building, the former St. Francis Street Methodist Church and the former Dodge Automotive
After answering a number of questions, John thanked Mr. McNair for sharing his knowledge with the club and noted that in his honor a donation has been made to the Rotary Children’s Foundation.
The meeting adjourned at 1:04 PM.
Rob Diehl

July 13, 2017

Minutes of the July 13, 2017 Meeting
The Rotary Club of Mobile
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Les Greer at 12:15 PM. Jimmy Lyons offered the invocation and Tom Martenstein welcomed members’ guests and visiting Rotarians. Tommy Blankenship led the club in song and the Pledge of Allegiance.
New Member: Mike Brown introduced Ryan New, Senior Vice President of Renasant Bank as our newest member.
Program: Annual Passing of the Gavel
Former club president Les Greer reviewed events over the last 12 months and highlighted the many successful events which raised a substantial amount of money for club projects and causes ranging from the Tarpon Tournament in August to the first annual Rotary Golf Classic this spring. He also mentioned the club’s involvement in establishing a new Interact Club at Murphy, 45 new Paul Harris Fellows this year and the gathering celebrating 100 years of the Rotary Foundation. Les thanked all of the members for their assistance in what he termed “an amazing year.”
Passing of the Umbrella
Since the hotel staff misplaced the club gavel over the 4th of July break, there was none to be passed. Instead an umbrella was substituted since its handle was shown to be able to ring the Rotary bell just as well as the missing gavel. The umbrella was passed from Russell Ladd to an assorted crowd of distinguished former presidents until Les Greer handed it to John Dukes, our newest president.
President Dukes
John Dukes congratulated Les on a job well done, presenting him with his past president pin and badge and his very own copy of the book, “The Rotary Four Way Test.”
Next he thanked the members for this opportunity to serve this club noting this year’s theme is “Rotary Makes a Difference.” John told the audience that our regular attendance at club meetings and inviting prospective members to those meetings will definitely make a difference.
According to John, we have 8 Rotarians who have been members of the club over 50 years, 49 over 30 and 38 who have been here over two decades. This longevity in membership shows the value of belonging to our club, adding that everyone takes a part in that.
John made the following announcements:
1. Rotary Tarpon Tournament will be held on August 5 and a reception on the evening of Thursday, August 3 will take the place of our weekly meeting.
2. Dumas Wesley has 40 members of their summer program attending an event at the Exploreum learning about drug education thanks to the club and Rotarians Kate Carver and Jan McKay.
3. Camp ASCCA: More information will be forthcoming from Frank Harkins regarding the July 30 sendoff of campers.
4. Mardi Gras: Looking ahead, the club is planning a party at the Mobile Carnival Museum with secured parking and stands for our members and children or grandchildren to watch a parade.
5. Board Meeting will be held on July 20, following the lunch meeting.
6. Meal Prices – As previously mentioned, the price for guest meals as well as Exempt Members has increased $1 to $24.
After announcing members’ birthdays, John adjourned the meeting at 1:50 PM.
Tom McGehee

Sept. 14, 2017–Aaron Sharockman, Executive Director PolitiFact – Nation’s largest fact-checking organization

Rotary Program for Thursday September 14, 2017
Aaron Sharockman: Politifact
Aaron Sharockman has served as executive director of Politfact since 2010. Politfact is a fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims made by elected officials and others. Aaron oversees PolitiFact’s operations, development and revenue while assisting in its journalistic mission.
Aaron is a 2016-17 Reynolds Fellow at the University of Missouri and co-teaches a class on political fact checking at the University Of Missouri School Of Journalism. He is a graduate of Indiana University.

Aug. 31, 2017– Bob Culkeen, General Manager, PBS Affiliate WSRE-TV

Our Program Today: Public Television for the Gulf Coast: Bob Culkeen – WSRE-TV
Since December 2016, Bob Culkeen has served as General Manager of WSRE which provides public television for the Gulf Coast, and as Executive Director for the WSRE-TV Foundation. The station is a recognized leader in education and an outstanding creator or local content and community engagement.
Bob has worked in many positions throughout the public media and educational fields since 1979 and was previously involved with WJCT, the PBS television station in Jacksonville. He was also an adjunct faculty member at Florida State College, also in Jacksonville.
He received his education In Massachusetts, earning his M.Ed from Westfield State University, a BS from Fitchburg State University and his AS from Grahm Junior College in Boston.

Aug. 24, 2017–Randy Kennedy – WNSP "Upcoming Football Season"

Randy Kennedy is program director and host of Sports Drive on Mobile’s WNSP Sports Radio 105.5 FM, the country’s first all-sports FM station.
Kennedy has been a leading voice in the Gulf Coast since becoming sports editor at the Mobile Press-Register in 2002. He was three times named state sports columnist of the year. His responsibilities eventually including supervision of all editorial content proved by the Mobile office of
He left newspapers and the web site to work full-time in radio in February 2015.
Kennedy grew up in Birmingham and graduated with a degree in Communications from the University of Montevallo.

Aug. 17, 2017–Ben Raines – Environmental Reporter

An investigative reporter for, Ben Raines has covered environmental issues and natural wonders in Alabama for nearly two decades. He wrote and produced the documentary America’s Amazon, which has been distributed to public schools across Alabama and is airing on PBS stations around the country. His underwater film work has appeared in documentaries on the Discovery Channel and National Geographic TV, and now in The Underwater Forest, which he wrote, filmed, and directed. Ben is a graduate of New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts with a degree in filmmaking, and is a U.S. Coast Guard-licensed captain, giving tours of the Mobile-Tensaw Delta. He and his wife and son live in Fairhope, Ala.