Dr. Eric G. Mackey currently serves as the State Superintendent of Education. Prior to serving as State Superintendent of Education, he served as the Executive Director of the School Superintendents of Alabama, superintendent of Jacksonville City School System, assistant principal, and principal. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Jacksonville State University and Master’s, Education Specialist, and Doctoral degrees from The University of Alabama.
Throughout his career, Dr. Mackey has been an advocate for increased rigor and advanced high school courses as well as challenging elementary and middle school courses that prepare students for high school. He believes schools must transform from an industrial model to one more attuned to the information age. A model that is both challenging and highly interesting for students.
Dr. Mackey is also engaged in his community. Among his many civic commitments, he serves on the Executive Committee of the Tukabatchee Area Council, BSA. He is president of the Montgomery Rotary Club and teaches high school youth at Woodland United Methodist Church.
He and his wife, Robin, have three sons.