Bio of Joe Cuhaj:
Joe Cuhaj hails from Mahwah, N.J. (yes, he’s one of “those” Yankees – one that didn’t go home: a “damn Yankee”) and is a former radio announcer, newscaster, and radio program director for radio stations in New Jersey and in Mobile including the old WUNI, WMML, WBCA, and 92Zew to name a few. Today he is a software programmer for the SSI Group, Inc., in Mobile by day.
In his free time he is a freelance writer and author. Joe has written many articles for magazines and online content for websites on a wide variety of topics, everything from shortwave radio listening to home DIY projects for home improvement guru Danny Lipford, the environment, and everything in between. He is most famous for his books including a brief history of baseball in the Port City, Baseball in Mobile and a collection of humorous short stories titled Living in a Banana Dream. Joe has also written several outdoor recreation books including Best Tent Camping Alabama (Menasha Ridge Press), Paddling Alabama (Falcon Books), Hiking the Gulf Coast (Falcon Books), Hiking Through History Alabama (Falcon Books) and Hiking Alabama (Falcon Books) which is now in its fourth edition.
Currently Joe is beginning work on his latest book, “Best Dog Hikes Alabama” for Falcon.
Joe lives in Daphne with his wife (a Mobile native) Maggie, and has one daughter, Kellie, and two grandchildren.