Minutes of the March 16, 2017 Meeting
The Rotary Club of Mobile
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by club president Les Greer at 12:10 PM. Jessica Little offered the invocation and Tom Martenstein welcomed members’ guests and visiting Rotarians. Larry Sindel led the club in song and the Pledge of Allegiance
Student Guest: Samantha Lowitz, , a senior at UMS-Wright Prepatory School received the Youth Merit Award.
New Member: Sumpter McGowin introduced Brandon Simpson, a lender specializing in land and timber with First South Farm Credit as the club’s newest member. Les recognized Sumpter for his outstanding efforts in recruiting new Rotarians.
• A board meeting will follow today’s luncheon meeting.
• The first Rotary Golf Tournament will take place on April 18 and sponsorships are being actively sought. Please contact Jimmy Lyon for further details.
• There will be no luncheon meeting on April 20. Instead a dinner at the Battle House will take its place that evening at 5:30.
• A Caribbean cruise for the district meeting is scheduled for April 27.
• A visiting Rotarian from the Rotary Club of Columbia, KY spoke. As a native of Uganda he said he had personally received a polio immunization thanks to Rotary’s program to eliminate the disease.
Program: Jason McKenzie – Joe Jefferson Players/Playhouse
Ernest Ladd introduced Jason McKenzie, Executive Director of the Joe Jefferson Theater. McKenzie has recently been named to the post after actively working as a volunteer for the organization for a number of years.
Mr. McKenzie presented a power point presentation which stressed the importance of having a strong community theater in the recruitment of industry and businesses to the area. He invited his audience to become involved as a volunteer on stage or behind the scenes. Sponsorships of individual performances are sought, he said, and season tickets make excellent gifts.
Michael Green and Whitney Upton who will appear in the upcoming production of “Much Ado About Nothing” were introduced and performed a scene from the play.
The season will end with “Rock of Ages” said McKenzie, and in August the new season will open with “Annie” and the year will include “Peter the Star Catcher,” “Cabaret,” “Ragtime,” and others.
McKenzie then conducted a quiz about the Joe Jefferson Players with winners receiving tickets to attend “Much Ado About Nothing.”
The meeting adjourned at 12:55 PM.
Tom McGehee