July 21, 2016

The Rotary Club of Mobile
July 21, 2016
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Les Greer, club president at 12:15 PM. An invocation was offered by Wayne Miller and Gordon Korb led the group in song and the pledge. Tom Martenstein then introduced visiting Rotarians and members’ guests.
Announcements: Les Greer made the following announcements:
1. A board meeting will take place following today’s meeting.
2. There will be no meeting on July 28. The Captain’s Reception will take its place at 5:45 PM at Ruth’s Chris. The Tarpon Tournament will take place on Saturday, July 30.
3. On August 3 Frank Harkins has arranged to take a group to visit Camp ASCA. Please let him know if you would like to go with them.
Program: A Visit from the District Governor – Barry Cavan
Barry Cavan, a retired employee of Montgomery’s Catholic Social Services was introduced by Ernest Ladd. Barry recognized a number of fellow Mobile Rotarians with whom he has had a good working relationship over the years.
He likened the work of Rotarians to the Good Samaritan. Rather than ask “What might happen to me if I help that injured man?” Rotarians, like the Good Samaritan, instead ask “What will happen to him if I don’t help him?” And he added how appropriate this year’s theme is: “Rotary Serving Humanity.”
Barry also reminded the group that this is the 100th anniversary of the creation of the Rotary Foundation. In 1916 it started out with $26.50 and today is in excess of $1 billion. More than $1.5 billion has been spent on projects around the world, he said, with some 2.5 billion children immunized against polio. This year reported cases of polio are down to just 17 worldwide from a high of 385,000.
Les thanked Barry for speaking today and presented him with a certificate noting that in his honor a donation has been made to Rotary International.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 12:55 PM.
Tom McGehee