July 12, 2018

Minutes of the July 12, 2018, Meeting
The Rotary Club of Mobile
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Immediate Past President John Dukes at 12:15 PM. Kathy Miller offered the invocation and Larry Sindel led the group in song accompanied by Bill Oppenheimer on the piano. Jeff Zoghby welcomed visiting Rotarians and members’ guests.
• John Dukes announced that the board will meet following next week’s meeting.
• Members are reminded that the annual Tarpon Tournament will take place on July 28th with a Thursday evening reception at Ruth’s Chris on July 26th. Sponsors are still needed. This will take the place of the lunch meeting.
Program: The Year in Review
Outgoing president John Dukes took a look back at the Rotary year just ended. He noted that there had been 45 meetings, we had welcomed 14 new Rotarians and recognized 19 student guests. Social events for members included a gala at Southern National, an inaugural Mardi Gras parade party at the Carnival Museum and after work events at local watering holes to encourage fellowship and welcome potential members.
Last year the club assisted with two global projects as well as donated to help Houston Rotarians following Hurricane Harvey.
Locally, the Tarpon Tournament brought in $20,000 in donations while grants upgraded the gym at Dumas Wesley, aided Baykeeper’s SWAMP program, helped with a literacy project at Light of the Village and the installation of a new lending library at the Mobile County Training School.
In addition the Rotary Children’s Foundation distributed $100,000 to ten local organizations. John thanked the club, the board of directors as well as Peggy Buggs and Tommy Blankenship for their assistance in a successful year and for the opportunity to serve as this club’s president.
Annual Passing of the Gavel
John Dukes called on past presidents to come forward and pass the gavel. He read off each name and the theme for the year in which they served. Russell Ladd who presided in 1970-71 passed the gavel down the line until John Dukes passed it into the hands of the incoming president, Ernest Ladd, IV.
President Ladd thanked John and addressed the club with brief remarks noting his optimism for another successful year ahead for the club.
The meeting adjourned at 12:40 PM.
Tom McGehee