Minutes for the April 14, 2016 Meeting
The Rotary Club of Mobile
Call to Order: Robby McClure called the meeting to order at 12:15 PM and invited Tommy Fulton to offer the invocation. Larry Sindell led the group in song accompanied by Les Greer on the piano.
• Les Greer announced that each table has lists of current committees and asked that members look them over and write their name beside any that are of interest. Members are encouraged to get involved in the work of the club this way.
• Robby McClure announced that a board meeting will follow next week’s meeting.
• The District Conference will be held in Orange Beach on April 22-24. Please see Peggy for further information.
• Marietta Murray Urquhart was recognized as the club’s newest Paul Harris Fellow.
Program: John Valentine, PhD.: Dauphin Island Sea Lab
Russell Ladd introduced John Valentine, Executive Director of the Dauphin Island Sea Lab who brought the club up to date on that institution’s latest news as well as its history since being established in 1971 by the state legislature.
Dr. Valentine noted the Sea lab’s commitment to both a healthy coastal economy as well as a healthy Gulf of Mexico noting the two go hand in hand due to the economic importance of tourism and fishing. He further discussed his facility’s educational programs and outreach which includes public education with over 80,000 visitors a year, a K-12 program and related teacher training and finally a series of university level programs for undergraduate and graduate level students.
After answering a series of questions, Robby McClure thanked Dr. Valentine noting that a donation to the Dauphin Island Sea Lab had been made in his honor.
The meeting adjourned at 12:55 PM.