Nov. 21, 24–Deann Servos / Executive Director, Prodisee Pantry


Deann Servos is the Executive Director of Prodisee Pantry, Baldwin County’s largest emergency food pantry that provides thousands of families with groceries and hope! She is one of three women who founded this community ministry in 2003.  She is a graduate of Emerging Leaders – Small Business Administration’s Streetwise MBA program, a graduate of Penn State and was an accomplished broadcast journalist before answering the call to start Prodisee Pantry.  The Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce presented her with the 2016 Community Leader Award.  She is a member of North Baldwin, Central Baldwin and the Eastern Shore Chambers of Commerce and serves on the Local Emergency Planning Committee of Baldwin County’s Emergency Management Agency, is Past-Chair of Baldwin County Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, on the North Baldwin Infirmary Foundation Board, on the North Baldwin Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and with twenty years of nonprofit experience she is a mentor and active in several other nonprofits.  She is the proud mom of three children and is married to Mark, her husband of 31years.  They all live on the family farm in Stapleton.