Sept. 13, 2018

Minutes of the September 13, 2018, Meeting
The Rotary Club of Mobile
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Ernest Ladd IV at 12:15 PM. Jessica Little offered the invocation and Larry Sindel led the group in song accompanied by Bill Oppenheimer. Jeff Zoghby welcomed visiting Rotarians and members’ guests.
• Douglas Kearley standing in for Garrett Williamson, reminded members that Rotary Happy Hour will take place Tuesday, September 18 at “Five” at 609 Dauphin Street beginning at 5PM.
• Ernest Ladd announced that there will be a board meeting following next week’s meeting on September 20. He also said that Rory Ridgeway who runs the shoe shine station for the Battle House had an accident and broke his hand. If you would like to contribute to assist him while he recovers, please let Peggy know.
Program: Conservation and the Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo
Casi Calloway introduced Justin Thompson and Vann Simms of the Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo. Vann announced that he is the incoming president and then introduced current president Justin Thompson who gave some background on the world’s largest fishing rodeo.
The event dates to 1929 and was founded by a group led by L. G. Adams. At that time the cost was $5 per participant for the weekend event and included housing on Dauphin Island in former army barracks and all meals. The organization came under the authority of the Mobile Jaycees in 1948.
According to Thompson, one of the most popular features of the weekend is the fish box where children of all ages can learn about the various species of fish in the Gulf. A Young Anglers’ Tournament is also held to encourage children aged 15 and under to learn about deep sea fishing.
A second and very important aspect of the Rodeo said Thompson, was the addition of a number of Catch and Release categories of fish ranging from tarpons to sharks. The Rodeo works closely with the Dauphin Island Sea Lab and the USA Department of Marine Sciences to tag these migratory species of fish with tracking devices. He also said that many are surprised sharks are released but explained that they are the most over-fished species of fish in the world.
Thompson told his audience to mark their calendars for the 2019 Rodeo: July 19-21. After answering a number of questions, Ernest Ladd thanked the speakers and presented each with a certificate noting that a donation to the Rotary Children’s Foundation has been made in their names.
The meeting adjourned at 12:50 PM.
Tom McGehee